
Android studio app projects
Android studio app projects

android studio app projects

It’s a best practice to add all the images in a drawable folder other than app/launcher icons for the application development. It will contain the different types of images as per the requirement of application.

android studio app projects

The res ( Resources) will contain a different type of folders that are Drawable Folder (res/drawable) It’s an important folder that will contain all non-code resources, such as bitmap images, UI strings, XML layouts like as shown below. Whenever we create any new project/application, by default the class file MainActivity.java will create automatically under the package name “ ” like as shown below. java) files which we’ll create during the application development, including JUnit test code. This folder will contain all the java source code (. We will explore all the folders and files in the android app. The android app project will contain different types of app modules, source code files, and resource files.

android studio app projects

To see the actual file structure of the project, select Project from the Project dropdown instead of Android. The Android project structure on the disk might be differs from the above representation. In case if you are not aware of creating an application using an android studio please check this Android Hello World App. Once we setup android development environment using android studio and if we create a sample application using android studio, our project folder structure will be like as shown below. To implement android apps, Android Studio is the official IDE (Integrated Development Environment) which is freely provided by Google for android app development.

Android studio app projects